About Hotels In Las Vegas

Hotels-In-Las-Vegas.com is a unique hotel search engine that consumers can use to find hotel availability and rates, and to compare prices and offers from multiple merchants. Using our service, travelers no longer have to search websites one by one to find the best deals and lowest rates. Once you find the supplier suitable for your needs, we link you through to the supplier website to book directly.

Hotels-In-Las-Vegas.com is free to use and we do not markup rates or add any extra fees to the results returned by our search engine. After selecting the preferred deal on Hotelwire, you will be redirected to the website of the hotel supplier to complete your reservation directly on their website. We are independent and are not paid to promote any particular website or hotel. We are committed to showing the “complete picture” for any hotel that can be booked on the Internet today.


Hotels-In-Las-Vegas.com allows users to:

  • Conveniently search multiple hotel reservation websites simultaneously to find the lowest prices – in one search and on the one website. Hotels-In-Las-Vegas.com searches the hotel websites directly and in real-time ensuring you receive the latest prices and availability.
  • Compare prices and availability from all major accommodation providers on the same screen. We search the world most popular hotel reservation websites allowing instant comparison of hotel details, rates, taxes and availability information on one simple web page. Compare online travel agents such as Expedia, Travelocity, Hotels.com, Booking.com, Priceline and the websites of popular hotel chains including the Intercontinental Hotel Group and many others.
  • Search over 900,000 global hotel deals from over 30 merchants, and access over 1.5m consumer reviews, 3m hotel images, 2m hotel descriptions and maps. Hotels-In-Las-Vegas.com is free to use. We do not alter the rates in anyway, we are not involved in the pricing process and we do not change the prices displayed by the reservation websites. We are all about finding the best deal for your preferred hotel!


What we don’t do

Hotels-In-Las-Vegas.com is not a travel agent. We do not sell hotels nor provide reservation services. You cannot make a booking on our website. We are a search engine that finds you the best deal for your accommodation needs. Once you identify the best priced provider or best deal for you, we link you through to our partner sites to complete your reservation directly on their website. Please note: Any queries you have regarding reservations, amendments, cancellations or hotel specific information must be directed to our supplier partners, who handle your reservation.


How to use our site

  • Enter your city and travel dates.
  • Receive a listing of hotels for your city. You can order the results by popularity, star rating, location, consumer ratings and price. You can view prices in the currency of your destination or in your local currency, as well as select from a list of major global currencies.
  • Select your hotel and view the hotel’s details including descriptions, photos, reviews and maps.
  • View rates from multiple hotel reservation websites and suppliers to compare prices.
  • Use the best priced reservation supplier for your preferred hotel to make a direct reservation. Click on the “Select” button, you will get redirected to the suppliers’ website to book directly.